Meet Alice

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

It’s a framework that highlights the challenges faced by households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level but still don't make enough to cover the basic costs of living. In Clare & Gladwin Counties, many families find that the cost of living outpaces their income. These households struggle to meet essential needs like housing, food, transportation, child care, healthcare, and technology.

View ALICE Reports by County

Our advocacy is rooted in the real challenges faced by our community. According to United for ALICE data, nearly half of Mid Michigan households struggle to cover essential needs like housing, childcare, food, transportation, and healthcare. We strive to remove obstacles and promote policies that enhance financial stability, improve education, and expand access to healthcare—helping to build a stronger, more equitable future.

That's why United Ways across Michigan, with help from the Consumers Energy Foundation, have come together to bring you the ALICE Project. Standing for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed - ALICE represents those in our communities who are working yet still struggling to make ends meet.